Care Dependency Grant (CDG)

The Care Dependency Grant is a social grant intended to provide support to parents, primary care-givers or foster parents of any child with severe mental and/or physical disabilities up to 18 years, requiring full-time home care. Even though the child may make use of professional support services, the child should not be cared for in an institution but at home in order to qualify. The child’s disability must be assessed by a medical doctor appointed by SASSA.

The amount of the grant is R1 860.00 per month. For up-to-date information on grant amounts which change on an annual basis, see the following websites: and

The person receiving the grant is responsible for ensuring that the child is fed, clothed, receives care and stimulation as well as access to health services.

Who can apply for a Care Dependency Grant?

In order to apply for a Care Dependency Grant, the parents, primary care giver, or foster parents and the child must be:

  • South African citizens, permanent residents or refugees
  • Resident in South Africa at time of application
  • In possession of a medical/assessment report confirming disability
  • Qualify in terms of the means test for a Care Dependency Grant

A child with severe disabilities cannot get a Care Dependency Grant if:

  • They are being cared for on a 24 hour basis for more than 6 months in an institution that is wholly funded by government, for example a psychiatric hospital or special care centre.
  • They are a refugee who is not fostering.

What is the means test to qualify for a Care Dependency Grant?

Only the income threshold of the caregivers of the child who is care dependent is assessed. There is no asset threshold test.

The applicant, spouse and child must meet the means test (except for foster parents where a different means test applies)

Single person R223 200.00 or R18 600.00 per month.

Married Person R446 400.00 or R37 200.00 per month.

Therefore, receiving the Care Dependency Grant depends on the income of the entire family.

How to apply for a Care Dependency Grant

The process of applying for a Care Dependency Grant is the same as for all other grants.

The following documents are required for the application:

  • Parent/s, primary care giver, or foster parent/s bar coded identity document
  • Child/ren’s birth certificate
  • A medical report for the child, which must say what the child is able to do – this is known as a functional assessment
  • If you are the foster parent of the child, the court order making you the foster parent
  • Proof of your marital status, such as a marriage certificate, divorce papers, or a death certificate of your spouse, or a sworn statement (affidavit) if you have never married
  • Proof of the income and if you receive the care dependency grant, the primary caregiver must ensure that the child:
  • Be tested at the age of 6 years to see whether he or she needs special schooling
  • Receives appropriate education according to level of disability
  • Remain in their care
  • Be living in adequate housing
  • Be fed and given clothes to wear
  • Receive necessary medical and dental care
  • Not be in a wholly funded state-run institution

When does the Care Dependency Grant stop or lapse?

The Care Dependency Grant will be stopped in any of the following situations:

  • If the parents, caregivers or foster parents die
  • If the child dies
  • If the child is admitted into a wholly funded state institution – when the child turns 18 years (after this the child can apply for a disability grant).

The grant will be reviewed from time to time to check changes in the child’s circumstances.

*Information obtained courtesy – Black Sash