Administration of Estates

What is a Deceased Estate?

When we die, all our possessions (house, money, pension, policies, etc.) and debts form part of our deceased estate.






You can decide what you want to happen to your property after your death. This is done by making a Will.

Reporting a Deceased Estate

When can you report?
When Thabo dies you need to report his death to the Master of the High Court within 14 days (two weeks) after his death.

Who can report?
Anyone who has any of Thabo’s property or his Will.

This can be done for instance by:

  • Magdaleen (Spouse =marriage partner, husband, wife )
  • Sipho or Eric (any other close family member)
  • Thabo can also choose a bank, trust, attorney or company to do it

Where can you report?
At the Master of the High Court (if Thabo’s deceased estate is more than R 250 000)
At the Estates Office in the Magistrate’s Court (if Thabo’s estate is less than R250 000)
In the area where Thabo lived for 12 months before he died

What happens after you have reported?
The Master of the High Court can:

  • Issue a letter of executorship if the value of Thabo’s deceased estate is more than R 250 000
  • Issue a letter of authority if the value of Thabo’s deceased estate is less than R250 000