Usually a grant is for 2 years but a social worker can extend the grant depending on the circumstances.
A foster parent is responsible for ensuring that the child is fed, clothed, healthy, attending school and used for the general upkeep of the child. SASSA officers must always be allowed to have access to the child.
The amount paid for a foster care grant is R1 040.00 per month.
For up-to-date information on grant amounts which change every year, see the following websites: or
Who can apply for a Foster Care Grant?
In order to apply for a Foster Care Grant, the foster parent and the foster child must:
- Be resident in South Africa at the time of making the application (but they do not have to be South African citizens)
- Be in possession of a court order that makes the foster care status legal
- Qualify in terms of the means test for a Foster Care Grant
- A child from any country that finds themselves in need of care and protection in South Africa, can be fostered. This will include a child who is undocumented, or a child who is a refugee
- Only a foreign national who is a refugee can qualify to be a foster parent
What is the means test to qualify for a Foster Care Grant?
There is no means test to qualify for a Foster Care Grant.
How to apply for a Foster Care Grant
The process for applying for a Foster Care Grant is the same as for all other grants. However note that the child must have been placed in foster care by order of the court before the foster care grant can be applied for.
The following documents are required for the application:
- The foster parent’s bar-coded identity document (ID)
- The foster child’s RSA or non-RSA identity document or birth certificate
- The court order indicating foster care status
- If there is no birth certificate, check with SASSA what alternative document will be accepted
The situation of the child who is placed in need of care is reviewed from time to time. A social work review may take into account, whether the foster child:
- Remains in the care of the parents
- Is living in adequate housing
- Is fed and given clothes to wear
- Receives necessary medical and dental care
- Goes to school regularly
When does the Foster Care Grant stop?
A Foster Care Grant will stop:
- If the foster child or both foster parents pass away
- If the child is no longer in the custody of the foster parent
- When the child turns 18, the grant will stop in the last month of that year. If the child is still attending school over the age of 18 the foster placement can be extended until age 21
- When the court order expires
- When the child leaves school at school leaving age
The beneficiaries must inform SASSA of any changes in the foster parent/s’ or foster child/ren’s circumstances.
If a child is severely disabled, the foster parent can get a Care Dependency Grant as well as a Foster Child Grant.
*Information obtained courtesy – Black Sash